Michalis P.S.
{K:10136} 3/17/2006
Beautiful portrait. Girl's expression is amazing. One of the best portraits I have seen in this site.
Well done, Michalis
Matt Rum
{K:27} 6/14/2005
Good focus.
carlo raingini
{K:11977} 4/29/2005
superb portrait. congrats,
carlo 7+
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 4/19/2005
amazing one 7+, the cropped too is wonderful
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 4/12/2005
beatiful smile on the face of a gorgeous model... well captured
Jan .
{K:8693} 4/6/2005
Very beautiful!...and I do love the cropped version.
Cheers Jan
jo pez
{K:2958} 4/6/2005
nice to me....................:)
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 4/6/2005
beautiful portrait... lovely expression...
Keyla Duarte
{K:1285} 4/5/2005
Beautiful expression and light! Congrats
Chris Nichols
{K:7068} 4/5/2005
Great exposure and tone. Very beautiful!
Shelly N Alexander
{K:1451} 4/5/2005
I love this capture. If you crop off just a little of the left side it will bring a bit more focus to her expression and her. Well done on all points by the way.

Stephen Rogers
{K:3370} 4/5/2005
I like it too. I would agree, I would have her a little more off center. Maybe to the left a little so that she is looking out of the larger space of the picture. Nict shot.
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 4/5/2005
truly beautiful i like this. a bit too in the middle... but really lovable