Bint Ahmed
{K:333} 9/4/2005
Hi paul
it was my dream to own this camera ..
back to your portfolio ... you have excellent collection of pictures keep it up
Mark Stein
{K:6210} 5/5/2005
Wow, I am very impressed. I am smiling for you. I know just how you feel about getting a new camera. It's still the photographer but somehow new equipment gives us a boost and makes shooting even more fun. Great winning photo too! Thanks for sharing your excitement, it was fun to read all the comments from everyone. Happy shooting! Mark
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/21/2005
You make me smile even wider now, Arwa. Bless you.
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 4/20/2005
Oh my GOD!!!!!!Paul!!! Congradulations!!!!!!!!!!YAAAAAAY!! this is such good news...grand prize! $4000!!!! Im sooooo happy for you! I really am! Sorry I missed the god news and its late Congratulations
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/15/2005
Well, it is SO amazing, here we are two weeks after my purchase, and I still break out in giggles when I see my images or grab a shot I would have surely missed with my little Kodak.
karen clarke
{K:18893} 4/15/2005
Congratulations on your win-it must feel amazing! Looks like you made a great camera choice. Well done~
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/9/2005
It's been a major party for me, Frank! This kind of incredible fortune just doesn't happen to ME (until now).
Frank Beer
{K:10112} 4/9/2005
Big congrats on winning the 1st prize and on that fine camera, Paul! Surely you will have lots of fun with the new equipment and new great pics!
Let?s party :))
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/5/2005
Oh, no KIDDING Dan! I'm in full-blown pixel lust, and just giggling with how fast I can zoom, focus and shoot. This is Nirvana.
Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 4/5/2005
Congradulations on the new camera , you will love it.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/4/2005
Yeah, but it wasn't NEARLY as happy as the following day, with this camera in my hand all day long. WOW!
Mary Haywood
{K:362} 4/4/2005
a happy day
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 4/4/2005
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/3/2005
Oh, Lea! I went down on the riverwalk last night, and with that intenal stabilzation on the lens, was getting razor sharp shots at 1/20 sec...hand held (and NOT bracing my camera against anything).
It's indescribably COOL!
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 4/3/2005
Yea!!! Congrats!!! I hope to be back soon, up & running & commenting like before. Good JOb, I'll follow your link nbow. :) Dottie
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/3/2005
Oh, Melanie, about 3 months ago I made the mistake of going to the camera store and playing with the 20D for about half-an-hour. I was just giggling at how it responded INSTANTLY: start-up, focus, shoot, and, perhpas tastiest of all, that I can fire off 5 frames per second for 25 shots without the camera ever once telling me 'hold on a sec'. I have been agonzing since that encounter, knowing that I MUST have one. I'd whine to my wife, and she'd tell me, "win the contest" with a smile.
Little did I know. ;)
Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 4/3/2005
Wow!!! Congratulations, Paul. The winning photo was terrific! Have a blast with your new "toys".
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 4/3/2005
Congratulations, Paul!!! That is awesome! I am jealous.... I want a better camera SOOO bad!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/3/2005
Thanks a million, Rebecca! I'm still giggling about my new 'super-powers'.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/3/2005
Most Awesome Kelly! I guess you're my photo-sis, then!!
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 4/3/2005
WOOOOOOOOOOW !!! I'm impessed! lol CONGRATULATIONS!!! The picture that won is definately a winner. Great job. I'm so happy for you! HUGSSSS
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 4/3/2005
Nice! I'm so jealous. Your winning picture is great by the way.
Q Zhang
{K:3946} 4/3/2005
Congradulations !! Well deserved win !
Green Gemini
{K:3391} 4/3/2005
José Azevedo
{K:9845} 4/3/2005
Congratulations, Paul!
Well done, you certainly deserve it. Hope your new "prize" brings you delight, more images to share with us and, for sure, more prizes!!
Best regards,
José Azevedo
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 4/3/2005
Congratulations Paul. What a wonderful way to spend your prize money. We will no doubt be seeing a lot of great Canon images. Don.
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 4/3/2005
Congrates Paul and you picked a good one !! I'll be watching for your new posts. Very nice shot that won the contest as well. You did well ! jimc
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 4/3/2005
{K:20268} 4/3/2005
WOW paul.... CONGRATULATIONS..... i know how you feel !!!..... hey i realised to, we both had DX6490 cameras, win a competition, and with the money we go out and both buy Canon 20D's..... you will love it.... can't wait to see some photos from it.....well done paul and really sit and enjoy the feeling.......you deserve it.... cheers mate kel
Alejandra Figueroa
{K:849} 4/3/2005
Congrats! It's a great shot.
Marcos Benedicto
{K:1100} 4/3/2005
Hi Paul, I need one too... hehe :-)))
Congratulations, Marcos
Erik Shea
{K:1600} 4/3/2005
Congratulations on winning both :).. Very nice way to spend a photo contest winnings.
Fadel J
{K:13974} 4/2/2005
What an exciting moment! congratulations for the prize Paul! and a great use of it! :)
Ryan Greene
{K:3297} 4/2/2005
Congratulations! Both for winning and for your spankin' new camera! You're going to like it.
Rona K **
{K:2375} 4/2/2005
Look at you? All proud and every thing. As you should be. Bravo! :))
Kiny Handes
{K:444} 4/2/2005
Congratulations and well done! I celebrate with you.
Elangovan S
{K:10675} 4/2/2005
Congratulations. You deserve it.