A picture of a very tall tree on the edge of the road, with TV antenna on it's side. It's quite a bright morning, so I got some problem capturing the detail of the trees while preserving the detail of the 'warungs'. Tried 2x ND but it seemed not helping too much.... Any idea?
Chon, my naive plan: the big tree filled the left area, full upward, (so you step forward abit, and please, this time STAY AWAY FROM ANY CARS...)
this will reduce blinding white areas make sure the ketchup bottle also seen. You can play with the DOF, so to make impression of size comparison between the two. Also play with the meter, spot maybe. Aim at the not-too-dark area on the tree, to keep the tone clear while reducing harsh backlight. And I will forget the peddler's stalls on the left (the warungs).
Anyway, youre the man, you know how tight your situation at that time. Maybe someone on the car shouting at you to get in and going...ha..ha..
(Melons anyone?)
Why the color tone is so '70s - because of the Sigma zoom, or any filters?