A picture of a tall tree over the tea plantation at Puncak at midnight, well, a bit after midnight. The view is overlooking city of Bogor. The picture is taken from one of the "Warung Teh" on the edge of the road. The warung sells hot tea, coffee, instant noodles, etc. Quite crowded at the weekend.... The tree's lighted by the fluorescent light from the 'warung'.
I played with the white balance a bit (this one is using 'incandescent', so it's a bit bluish).
Thanks Lori! Well, it appears that I just love night times, lol!!! For one thing, night time is colder, much colder than daytime, and its lightplays and all... but most of all, I just love it when I can impress you, lol!!!
LOL, Hi Sony, Interesting, this could be almost any city in the world! And I see that you're once again out prowling after midnight! Came up with a good one.
I like the inclusion of the tree, it looks like a guardian angel of the city!!