This cemetery gate was built with an open rectangle in the middle on each panel with bars vertical above and below the opening, I had taken my grandchildren with me to record some headstones and to take photos of the grandchildren and the blue bonnets and when we were leaving, I was carrying rugs - plastic things, my camera inside my camera bag etc and opened the gate and went thru and turned around to see my grandson, who was following me start to climb through the opening instead of going thru the open gate. I hurried and dropped the things I could, open my camera bag and got the camera out in time to get a few shots which this one turned out to be one of my favorites. I learned from this, never to put the camera away, when the children are still with you, You could miss a photo that you would treasure.
Thanks I will try these sugguestions and post the straigten out one later if I can do it, I am just learning PS. Below is the cropped version and I do like it better already .
very effective title.. i wouldnt necessarily straighten the shot..the incline i think adds to it..but i would crop the top and the right to get rid of the frame