Tommy Landdrill
{K:663} 3/7/2006
This is so emotional image, Wez
{K:987} 8/19/2005
there is so meaning on it. in my vision it is so nice. lijght, graveyard. very strong meaning on it
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 8/12/2005
This is very eerie yet beautiful with the backlighting, the sepia tone adds a very dramatic flare to it. I did a backlit cemetery picture on vetrans day. http://www.usefilm.com/image/609647.html Alison
{K:14339} 7/17/2005
Thanks for your comment, time and effort P.J.
your version really changes the mood of the foto.
* James *
{K:20200} 5/31/2005
not too orangy in my opinion, and quite an effective composition and subject. Never been to Bolton Abbey, but i wonder if it is near Frockinghamshire Green?
{K:14339} 3/17/2005
I thought the orangy tone suits the location and the mood that i was trying to create. Maybe a little too orangey?
alle khan
{K:1032} 3/17/2005
i like the mood, makes it look like Doomsday
Kyle Turgeon
{K:727} 3/17/2005
I think that they may spoil it. How did you convert it to sepia? It looks quite orangy.