Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 3/27/2005
{K:26787} 3/24/2005
Hi Verena! What a nice mix of shapes! Excellent angle & tones ... *hugs*
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 3/20/2005
Andreas, good to read your criticism...it is very welcome
gio4love .
{K:14469} 3/17/2005
A wonderful perspective and a great blue effect| This lights makes this paradise softer and warmer anyway. See you
{K:3499} 3/16/2005
Wonderfull to my taste! Into fav, love it!
Regards Karel
Andreas Marx
{K:1443} 3/15/2005
Very nice again, Verena! You certainly have the right perspective here. The blueish toning is a good match.
However, I do not care for the metering, it is in my mind a bit on the (too?) dark side.
Hope you do not take my critique as being offensive - just my two cent.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/14/2005
that big the vision of the books.. the world is supported lately by BIP, BIT, CHIP, KB, MB and GB.. the writing is impossible. but he is the words which remains.. took a big vision and one big blue tone, so calm, beautiful perspective and DOF! Best regards.. also congrats for the comment to Nuno.. cheers
ciao roby
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 3/13/2005
hi verena,
wirklich schräges schaufenster ;-)
die farbe passt gut dazu, nur der fleck links oben passt IMHO nicht ganz dazu.
feine arbeit.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 3/13/2005
Nice perspective, blue colour and surreal effect.