City - Nr Newbury State - BERKSHIRE Country - United Kingdom
A rather poor photo, but evidence (For Den) of why my son and I waited on by the London to Penzance main line near Newbury for a glimpse of this steam locomotive. It was running 1.5hrs late and consequently we were on our way home when it decided to make an appearance. Whilst I could't capture it the way I wanted, the sound and smell were still as always remembered.
Should have said in my last that I did a bit of panning the other day to see if I could still cope. Will be uploading a collage for you soon. Den
Den Thompson{K:30432} 3/11/2005
Hey Neil, what's new? 1.5 hrs late that's par for the course I suppose. I've done a little brightening for ID purposes. It looks like a Hall. What do you reckon?