Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 10/19/2007
Gorgeous capture Steve, Superb details and colours. With all your great shots, I can't believe you only have 1 award. Congrats for this great capture. Yamil
Steve Tomkinson
{K:3243} 2/27/2005
Thanks Michael, though for me, your Red-bellied woodpecker (curious name? It has a white belly?) is much better. Robins are very common hedgerow birds here. Woodpeckers are very hard to photograph over here....
Steve Tomkinson
{K:3243} 2/27/2005
Thanks Gregory. Your beach & night / blue-light shots continue to thrill me (and irritate me 'cos I've not seen the sea for nearly a year!). I concentate on bird shots at the moment because they don't take a huge amount of travel to come by.... that said I've been up to my knees in snow in the Peak District today, so hopefully something will come of that (20 past midnight now so I guess that should be yesterday). Haven't had chance to look at the shots yet - taken with new 17-40L paid for by Rolls-Royce's (where I work) annual performance bonus- let's hope eh?
Steve Tomkinson
{K:3243} 2/27/2005
Thanks Den, have been down in the dumps a bit lately (no golf for 2 weeks - very serious). Thanks for adding to favourites - In all honesty you just made my day!!
How's Nik ? ;-)
Steve Tomkinson
{K:3243} 2/27/2005
Hmmm, yeah, if they were this big they would tip the birdbath over!
Thanks for the comment Len.
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 2/26/2005
Woweeee, you have really excelled this time. I have NEVER seen a bird shot with this degree of detail. Absolutely out of this world. To my favs. Den
Michael M.
{K:1194} 2/25/2005
This is beautiful. Marvelous color & detail.
Bill Ciavarra
{K:10216} 2/25/2005
Excellent detail!
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 2/25/2005
Maravalous capture, stunning beauty, fine work my friend.
Angela Fox
{K:660} 2/24/2005
Really beautiful Steve! Wonderful colour too!
Len Webster
{K:25714} 2/23/2005
Looks massive on screen! Wonderful shot.
xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx
{K:10405} 2/23/2005
gorgeous colours...well seen
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 2/23/2005
Very beutiful bird portrait Steve!! Great details!! Congrats! Roberto.
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 2/23/2005
Really nice, I like this one even better!