It's fun to experiment in PS. You could also dive into layers with different attributes, and blending them through an Overlay or Darken, or Lighten property.
Sorry Markus!, It happens to me sometimes when I get several comments on a photo that I confuse the names. But you musr admit tht I was not far in guessing what your "Brain teaser" was. Best regards to you, MARKUS, Rafi
I am flattered by you calling it "Rafi's P.S. technique" I think it is some kind from the flora world covered by ice anf treated by, among other things by the "gloeing edges" filter. be that as it may, it makes an interesting and beautuful photo. When I was in Kurdistan I filmed something not to different on 8 mm, but 1. I don't have the film, 2. I'm not sure P.S. existed in the middle 60s and 3. I wouldn't know how to download it from the film to my computer. If I look hard and find a similar still photo, I'll post it. I'm also flatted by being mentioned in the same breath with Dali (the second time today). The first time in connection with my "Fantasy with dolls" and now by you in connection with my "Sunset and chamagne 2." I discovered too late that I didn't have a "Sunset with champagne 1." Thank you, George, for your comments on both these photos. As to my "Faces", I've taken your friendly advice seriousely, and will implement it if and when a suitable occasion arises. The face you didn't like the placing of belonged to a man who had painted himself blue and was collecting alms in the fair. I used the "glowing edges" filter on him and made him brighter by "curves". I think that being mentioned in the same breath with Dali is a suitable present for my 75th birthday which was on Febrary 18th but will be celebrated by the family in a restaurat we like tonight (February 25th) Best rgards and thanks again, Rafi