Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 2/27/2005
bright light...life disappeared from the underground...fantastic usage of lines...black and white high contrasted...yes... :)
a hug Verena
. .
{K:16329} 2/25/2005
Another thing that works well with these is the direct confrontational style....... the thrusting of the camera straight on into the subject. I think that works in arresting the particulars of an enviroment we pass through everyday without really seeing.
I acknowledge that the clock picture is a little different though
. .
{K:909} 2/25/2005
the bench is the only human footprint.....
emily savva
{K:21113} 2/23/2005
greenish in this case my dear CB... and yes some blur will definately spiced it up... try it next time i go there... thanks
emily savva
{K:21113} 2/23/2005
wish i had a magic wand to do so Rog!!!! you know i would gladly take off your bad mood and make you smile... patience my dear friend!!! and imagination... i know you have plenty to fly away!!! kisses...
angelita mannoni
{K:6102} 2/23/2005
an evocative image.. good BW! ciao!
Morc Piantedos
{K:21834} 2/23/2005
..aseptic...glacial..mute...surgery atmoshere. With this BN composition, emy, you shows all alienation of modern urban structures that the man have built for comfort of his body and of his business, but growing away from his primordial nature. comfort of body, but not comfort of soul.... compliments, Marco
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 2/23/2005
Interesting interplay of lines. Pretty clean for ISO 1600 Em, I have not tried above ISO 400 yet. We choose our own prisons. Loneliness and life without meaning, are things we must face from time to time.
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 2/22/2005
I love old subway stations; so this one is for me. Love especially the atmosphere. I'm always struggling with the question of in/ex-cluding people. The effect is totally different. I can picture this also with some color. Some blueish spiced up with blur? Nice work, Emy! CB
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/22/2005
glykeia mou Emy...edoses mia alli diastasi se ena toso koino xwro opws o stathmos tou trainou... ti stigmi.. kaneis den htan ekei!!!! thavmasia eikona... filika Marian
karen clarke
{K:18893} 2/22/2005
When living in a large city full of people, it is easy to feel all alone. I bet that even with this subway full, there are quite a bit of lonely people filling it up. Anyways nice shot, I love all of the lines from the poles. So quiet you can hear a pin drop, nicely done~
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 2/22/2005
Nicely done! The mood is excellent. Too bad nobody was sleeping on the bench, a common scene in the NYC subway system.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 2/22/2005
OK M I was born and grew up in a city (Sydney) and at one stage I worked out that in my life I had lived in three cities and fourteen towns.. alienation is present in both and for mine ..tho I appreciate the sentiments you express here vis a vis loneliness etc...there is no lonlier feeling than a small country town at dusk and its your first week there...take it from me M Bega is that place!!
Aris Michalopoulos / OsirisiS
{K:1916} 2/22/2005
Apolyti armonia grammwn pou ypenthymizei pws yparxoun simeia ston planiti opou i tyxaiotita moiazei san mia sympantiki synomwsia proklisis synaisthymatwn.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 2/22/2005
Oh such a subway - something else then the subway in Stockholm. Great nightshot of architecture. Empty - quiet - silence - no sounds, yet - is there any train coming? - why no one else there? -and all are locked up in their cells. Alienated - yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very good work dear Emy!
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 2/22/2005
i thinks this is a scene from MATRIX,congratulations