City - Invercargill State - SOUTHLAND Country - New Zealand
The New Zealand Tuatara is a living link with the Dinosaurs. This magnificent specimen was photographed in the Southland Museum where they are bred in captivity. The oldest Tuatara there, Henry, is believed to have been born in 1880. This was taken handheld through not very clean glass with diffused natural light.
Thanks Alastair, take a look through my portfoloio and you will find a Swampy (Pukeko) Will work on one of my Kea pics and post it for you. Cheers John
Alastair Bell{K:29571} 3/19/2005
Well this is a creature I never thought I'd see on Usefilm! Now all I need is a Kea, Takahe and Pukeko to feel right at home! Great shot John, especially given the conditions!
Good job given the conditions - I had heard of a music group Tuatara, but had not realized there was a real animal behind it. Wonderful. Thanks for the Kiwi education program.