lavendu ...
{K:4882} 2/15/2005
eine interessante geometrische komposition, die einerseits einen abstrakt grafischen reiz hat, die aber andererseits aufgrund der konkreten details auch zum denksport anregt: was könnte die schiefe ebene wohl sein?
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 2/15/2005
hi verena,
ich mag das weiche element hier... und natürlich das kontrastreiche schwarze dreieck.
schön gesehen, wie immer.
emily savva
{K:21113} 2/15/2005
wonderful tones to paint this abstract composition dear Verena... i so much enjoy to follow the lines and discover all geometrical shapes that are hidden within them... and i love geometry (from what i can remember at least )... fantastic image with great use of DOF... very well done... emy :)
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 2/15/2005
@Max, no reason for being angry at all...the tilted wall is a roof over a club...no stairs...only this kind of small wave creating plastic which works as a roof...do you know what I mean...missing the english word
Mark O'Brien
{K:1050} 2/15/2005
Very interesting composition Verena!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 2/14/2005
Nice geometry you created here and nice lines as well.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 2/14/2005
Very original composition, an unusual vision indeed, I?m just curious to know what it is, the background is a bit disturbing in my opinion, above all the stairs, I hope you are not angry with me ;) Thankx for the nice comment! Hugs, Max
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 2/14/2005
Verena, great lines Teunis
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 2/14/2005
Unusual composition,like its tone and diagonal movement as well!!!!!!