An old building from 50's on an old alley of Ankara... Very close to the place where my grand grandmother lived.
Thesedays I am passing by this little green house very often. It has a very different architecture when compared to the other similar buildings. The bottom part has outside columns and no balconies. However, the upper part has balconies on the corner.
The surface is treated to give a "made-of-stone" impression...
I could crop the original image to eliminate the modern building on the left. However, I thought, it should be there to make you feel some difference between the old and the new.
Kurtulus'un ara sokaklarindan yasli ve yesil bir bina... mimari tasarimi hosuma gitti. Aslında 50'lerin sonundan kalmis diye dusunsem de belki 60'lardandir. Kesin konusmak daha yararli olurdu.
Pinar Hocam, you may be right, a slightly rightward panning -with a wider lens?- (or shooting from a point which is several feet left of this one) seems better.
however, as it may be understood from the trees on the photo, I stood on the edge of a wall. my shooting angle was a bit controlled by outside elements.
valla hocam ben anlamiyorum 50 mi 60 mi ama benim fikrim azicik daha sola ve one kayip ceksen daha mi iyi olurdu acaba gibi?!sol koseyi orta nokta alsan nasil dururdu diye dusundum, iyi mi dusundum kotu mu dusundum bilmiyorum ama. ellerine saglik:)