Frank Beer
{K:10112} 7/24/2005
Many thanks for all the kind comments :))
Francesca May
{K:6877} 3/7/2005
very nice shot! =)
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 2/6/2005
You know I like this beauty! Another high quality photo with an original and charming pose, I would like to be upside-down to admire her sweet face and smile. Thanks for your kind comment on my photo. Bye, Max
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 2/6/2005
Auf den Kopf geschtelt, oder gelegt, aber gut gelungen, Frank. All was ich tue, ist die Uebersetzung in Bilder was ich bis jetzt in drei Photoshop Sitzungen gelent habe. Was daruas kommt, ist der Intrpretazion des Beschauers gegeben. Jedenfalls vielen Dank fuer dir freundliche Interesse in mein Werk. Hezliche Gruessse, Rafi
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 2/5/2005
good gosh, another 'get-caught-staring' photo, Frank. The hands and the gaze are tight!
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 2/5/2005
Great shot Frank!!! I think it would look good 180 as well! Good work, Cary
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 2/5/2005
She is stunningly beautiful and you captured that beauty in a unique way. the dress, that she is fully clothed, the necklace, the lighting all make it special, but i think the pose makes it wonderful.