Sahin Kurt
{K:2} 6/20/2005
I think i should add a comment as model of this pciture >:).. Actually, Fatih has done very good job in spite of me >:). Thank you cousen.. >;)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/18/2005
congrats.. roby
FatiH KirtisH
{K:1181} 2/12/2005
Thank u too much... I haven't got big portfoliothis subject but Im work it on :)
FatiH KirtisH
{K:1181} 2/12/2005
thank u for crituque :)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/10/2005
you have always a great idea-subject in the child or boys-girl.. have a "normal" effect of daily life that just for this they are much beautiful.. nice tones and colors so a old efect view my best wishes.. roby
FatiH KirtisH
{K:1181} 2/4/2005
thank u gian, I m just trying to make a fashion style. I wanna more take a shot but I haven't got a time. Thank u one more time
FatiH KirtisH
{K:1181} 2/4/2005
ah ipek gece gunduz calisiyorum zamanim oldukca gondermeye devam edecegim, zamanim pek olmadi onlarca poz cekmeyi istedigim bir yerdi ama arakdasim (SahiN) biraz utaninca acele davranmak zorunda kaldim ve sadece bir -iki poz cikarabildim, begendigine sevindim
FatiH KirtisH
{K:1181} 2/4/2005
thank u bryan
FatiH KirtisH
{K:1181} 2/4/2005
tesekkur ederim gokmen, kisacik zaman sigdirmaya calistigim birkac kareden bir tanesi :)
Gian Orso
{K:1814} 2/4/2005
Very good portrait. I don't know if it has been a casuality or decide before... but the choice of colors is perfect. It's very eye-catchy.
{K:4753} 2/4/2005
Gene cook guzel bir fotograf. Bu guzel fotograflarindan uzun sure mahrumduk. Cok sik zaman ayiramiyorsun sanirim. Daha sik gormek dilegiyle...
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 2/4/2005
nice composition...
gokmen aldogan
{K:2067} 2/4/2005
kareyı cok ıyı bolmuusun soldakı dokuda harıkulade