Shot at Tokyo Disney Sea. I love the way the colors stand out, even in this really dark location. Film was Fuji Natura 1600, which I am starting to like for its nice lowlight color. Scanned on a Minolta Dual Scan IV.
Thanks for the offer, Chad! I would, but unfortunately I live in Sendai. Going to Tokyo is rather expensive and takes a bit of planning. Nice shots in your portfolio, by the way.
Wonderful shot here Stephen. I like your eye for colors.
If you are interested, next Wedn. some of us usefilmers from Tokyo will go to Omotesando to look at the photos on exibit in Fujimamas and have a few drinks. Let me know if you might like to join us.
Stephen, I love the burst of color in this shot. Excellent low light shot. I think the fence line could have been cropped out of this shot in order to allow the disney characters stand alone. Carla