City - Madison State - WISCONSIN Country - United States
This is a window on the UW Madison Memorial Library. Lots of people like to perch themselves there when the weather is good. The 'vote dean" was recently power washed off, but it dates the photo well. Taken before the primaries obviously. Printed on Fortezo grade 3. I'm sure I'll see someone interesting there to photographs again.
I am going to get myself one of those fabled epsons soon, I see the Epson Perfection 4870 does it all... not perfect as the name says, but damn well for the price. I love darkroom work, but to print and use every image I have shot would never happen, but to scan them is another story.
Tyler - I know what you mean - I got a mid range Epson flat bed that can do Bw and color negs, slides and even medium format negs -- for the money it was well worth it - I don't have access to a darkroom anymore so it has brought new life to all my old stuff - even the photos I never printed from years ago. K