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I know why do you smoke
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Image Title:  I know why do you smoke
Favorites: 1 
 By: Kareem Hamdan  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Kareem Hamdan  Kareem Hamdan {Karma:3180}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Canon Powershot S1 IS USM
Categories Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio People
Out of My Home
Lens standard
Uploaded 1/24/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 941 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 27 Rating
/ 8 Ratings
Location City -  Nablus
State -  WEST BANK
Country - Israel   Israel
About I took this photo in the old city of Nablus, this man is poor, he can't find a job, so he is selling "Tormos" , it is like chick-pea, the packet is for 25 cent, he didn't show his eyes to people, it is like sitting with shame for him. He sits hours and wait to make a little money to live. Before intfada I didn't see something like that, almost everyone had a good job, but with the nightmare it killed the hope of many people to live a good life, I hope it will fenish soon. He started to smoke, I think he was smoking because of sadness of his heart, many people here do the same when they are in troubles. thanks for watching, Comments are welcomed.
sorry for the bad sharpness because I took on 1/20, and there is a little problem with light because he was sitting in shade and the light is on the wall and the bowl.

Canon PowerShot S1 IS
Shooting Date/Time
24/01/2005 14:19:20
Shooting Mode
Program AE
Photo Effect Mode
Tv( Shutter Speed )
Av( Aperture Value )
Metering Mode
Exposure Compensation
ISO Speed
5.8 - 58.0mm
Focal Length
Digital Zoom
Image Stabilizer
Image Size
Image Quality
White Balance
AF Mode
Continuous AF
Color Space
File Size
Drive Mode
Single-frame shooting
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There are 27 Comments in 1 Pages
Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 3/4/2005
about me I am ukrainian origin, I hold Ukrainian passport, I hold palestinian ID also, my mum is Ukrainian, and Dad palestinian, double nationality, I know palestine well, even Israeli cities.

Best wishes


Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 3/4/2005
Actually no, my city before intfada was very good, the best in the west bank, Nablus is Trade center, closing the roads killed it, and the occupation ofcourse the main reason, we will not have anything like this if there wasn't occupation, also you are the third who asked me why, there is no palestine in the list, I used to put west bank and nablus for the mail coming from the U.S, actually palestine never existed, it was a land, we have a hope to make our country Palestine, we are alone, the arabs are almost slaves for them, and the arabs don't care also, in jordan, lebanon, egypt, but some of them are good, Nancy Agram took the lead, also even here, then you can read my bio, you will find the answer, few know palestine from the U.S and europe. I am a member of middle east democracy center, it is small one, but I enjoy it. Ask usefilm to put palestine in the list.



Inji Amer Inji Amer   {K:22997} 3/4/2005
Hi Kareem
This is a very beautiful & emotional photograh ,
wonderful composition & nice B&W tones also nice framing , but Kareem I noticed that in more than a photograph in your wonderful portfolio , you set intfada as the main reason of misery in your beautiful city Nablus !! don't you think that the continues occupation from Israel to the west bank & the violence against palestinian civilians
comes on the top of this drama ?
just a question : are you palestinian or israeli citizen ? I notice you mention in the Location
( Israel ) instead of palestine ,
any way this willn't change any thing , it was just a question !!

Inji Amer


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 2/8/2005
Kareem, don?t worry about the quality, what counts here is the emotion that give us this image. I read your about and I feel sad as usual when I read the story of poor, fragile and losing people, it does not matter what country, what religion, what age? these people are the unluckiest of the world, my heart is always with them and I try to help them in every way. Thank you for this touching image and story. Bye, Max


ghada saleh   {K:107} 2/7/2005
i think that the lack of sharpness added antiquity and sadness to your picture .i know what u are talking abi=out .go on doing a great job


Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 2/7/2005
Thanks, and I am with you.



Carla Ardian   {K:621} 2/7/2005
The story bites. I love it. Thank you for sharing it with us.

The image is blurred alright, but the contrast is perfect. The blur might add a little something to the feeling of this picture. And what else do we need from a photograph but a deep feeling?


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 2/4/2005
Really excellent, Kareem, a picture very well composed and which speaks by itself.
You did a fantastic job, keep looking for characters like these, this street photography is very important.


Dennis Couvillion   {K:165} 2/2/2005

Very nice image. I like the composition. Maybe I'm just partial to diagonal lines but the base of the wall across the lower quarter creates a diagonal line very much like I like to incorporate in many of my shots... either intentionally or simply by force of habit. It just looks good to me. The balance and tone of the photograph is nice too; and I like the man's attire and pose... with his legs crossed.

Knowing the histroy of the the man helps appreciate the photo more. This would be good shot to incorporate into a collection of pictures showing the effect that turmoil in the Middle East has had on people.

It may sound like a cliche' but it's an emotionally human shot. I don't know how else to describe it... but it's meant as a compliment.

Keep shooting and showing us your work.




Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 1/30/2005
thanks Paola, I appreciate that.



Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 1/30/2005
Hi Riny, thanks for your comments, you didn't tell me, do you put something on the lens?? like teleconverter, because I found it difficult to take a photo like this.



B B B B   {K:30983} 1/30/2005
Hi Kareem,
this shot is full of meaning!
Not only an easy portrait. Your about is a very history very emotional.
My compliments

Paola LL


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 1/30/2005
Great to see you posting again Kareem...You did well to keep some details on the for grond!!
Best wishes from cold snowy Holland!


Davide Bressanello Davide Bressanello   {K:3103} 1/29/2005
like it, really a strong image!


Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 1/26/2005
Thanks Giuliano, I appreciate that.



Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 1/26/2005
Hello Kareem,
your photos have something special. You wrote me that you are young but you have enough to do great job. Tones, composition, perspective are very well balanced.
I only suggest you to use a different characters font. Usually I don't like too much frames on video photo (or just a little thin black line) so you can also add more "pixel" to the image.



Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 1/26/2005
Nice composition and beautiful lighting, I really like the choice of B/W for this photo. Alison


orwa juve orwa juve   {K:6059} 1/25/2005
strong story, bravo.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 1/25/2005
A sad and touching story ... thanks for sharing a bit of his life, Kareem!


Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 1/25/2005
Thanks khaled, I know that, I didn't notice that because I took 2 shots fastly and continued my walk, I like to use iso 100 with my cam, it gives me best results, 400 it is useful is some conditions, but the noise and grain kills some details, then my cam is not SLR so in sunlight I can see what I want to take a photo harly, it will be so bright, I got SLR "Minolta Dynax 5" with 35-105 zoom, I can't resist thedigital, shot and download. Thanks again friend.



Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 1/25/2005
Hi Kareem,
Although the shapness is little bit soft yet I like it and I like the idea and the about too.
I think when you have problems with dim light, you may try to increase the ISO for example to 400 or more so that you avoid slowing the shutter speed greatly, atleast to slow it down to 1/60 sec not less.
Although by increasing the ISO you'll find green grains start to appear in the photo but you may give it a try next time.
The man on the bicycle reminds me of my photo "Slowly but Surely" :)
Good capture dear friend, and keep up the good work,


Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 1/25/2005
Thanks Saeed, I took 16 succesful photos, but I put that I see it is the best, see this one, I call "Hey I faster than you"


Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 1/25/2005
Hey, this is the first you entered this world, it is fantastic, this site is one of the best for sharing, if you want to sell your photograph this is not the time. Put some photos to see your works, do your best. I still learning.



Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 1/25/2005
Great image with story telling, am glad that you notice a bit lack of sharpness, the idea is excellent, regards. Saeed


Kareem Hamdan Kareem Hamdan   {K:3180} 1/25/2005
thanks, but it was very hard to take it because it is busy there, and people looking at you as stranger, his name is Abu Ali, between me and him was 2 meters, sorry for the bad sharpness because I took on 1/20, and there is a little problem with light because he was sitting in shade and the light is on the wall and the bowl.

Best Regards


Kamran  Kamran     {K:3526} 1/25/2005
Nice pic..very smooth
love the borders ..thanks for sharing



mohammad Kilani   {K:9} 1/25/2005
very nice kareem, hope you continue with these wonderful pictures.
best wishes




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