Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 1/24/2005
Kim, Thank you so much for giving that information. Best wishes.
Kim Taylor
{K:2816} 1/24/2005
Hi Lily
There are 3 lights, a large softbox to camera right, and beside the model, a 4'x 8' diffusion panel rigged as a softbox to camera left and beside her, and an overhead light to the rear with 10" reflector and a grid. The fabric is the key, it's being blown up and away from the model by a fan, she's wrapped in one end of it and the rest is blowing up while being lit from behind by the grid. The tricky part is angling the light to catch the ballooning fabric when the fan is turned on. Takes a bit of fiddling.
Tiger Lily
{K:10966} 1/23/2005
Creative idea, beautiful image. Would professionals explain the lighting situation so that newbies like me could learn from these pictures? Thanks.
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 1/23/2005
great idea and terrific execution... an absolute favourite
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 1/22/2005
i like the concept a lot.. well done, great image
Dan Scenna
{K:1661} 1/22/2005
Really neat! I love it. Good job Kim. I initailly thought you might want to crop the gray out completely, and make it an in-tight portrait, but I think I like your presentation better.
safak tortu
{K:2724} 1/22/2005
Good shot...Creative work...
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 1/22/2005
wonderful compositive idea; I like it