Marian Man
{K:80636} 1/18/2005
thank you dear Randal, as I mentioned have not seen this before..... and I was a little impressed.... regards Marian
Randal Dean
{K:4004} 1/18/2005
I believe it is called a Pitcher Plant, and it is described well by aydin, except I believe there are tiny hairs on the inside of the leaves, pointing downward, that prevent the fallen insects from climbing out. I like your name for it better, "X-plant", sounds (and looks) like something from a '50s sci-fi movie.
aydin turker
{K:3988} 1/18/2005
very interesting shot dear Marian.. flowers looks so wierd and I think they are originated from some tropical places..I am a keen National Geographic watcher.. As fas as I remember, such flowers have an amount of solution inside, and this solution has a very attractive smell for insects. the flowers inner walls are very slippery and by the time an insect comes in, it slips and falls down to the solution where this liquid has some acidic structure to diffuse and destroy the foreign organisms.. briefly, I guess, this flower is an insect eater! :)cheers..
Marian Man
{K:80636} 1/18/2005
am glad you did... so many things I do not know.... filika Marian
{K:2507} 1/18/2005
I guessed that from the beginning, but still I was in that criticism state of mind! Take a look at my photos parakalw :-)
Marian Man
{K:80636} 1/18/2005
thank you Theodore for your so helpful comment ...I took this shot out of curiosity...and I was a bit embarrassed doing it infront of the shop... but next time I will have all these in mind!!!!! filika Marian
{K:2507} 1/18/2005
Hi Marian, I am sure they didn't know if you asked at the store. Typical Greek attitude :-( Anyway, I think you must have used flash here and I disagree. I believe you should have done your best to stand still (if the tripod is not an option). I know there might be blurry result but you should try. One technique that helps on digital is to shoot in continuous drive mode, so that in the second or third shot the trembling from the pressure of the shutter button relaxes. The beautiful colour of your subject would have better ambiance without the artificial flash. There might be a little problem with the white balance I think you could resolve that by manually adjusting the white balance of your camera. I also disagree with your framing. I think you should crop from the left and bottom, especially since I know that you have basic Photoshop skills. I have read somewhere that it is better to cut partially and let the viewers? senses imagine the rest than leaving empty spaces in the frame.
Theodore (Wouldn?t it be fun to be able to write in Greek and the machine to translate :-)
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 1/17/2005
Me too, I'm curious to know. I like the colors, thanx for sharing. I'll be waiting to know the answer to your question. Well done Marian, Khaled.