hrishi muruk
{K:-949} 2/3/2006
Croc or Gator? Closed eyes, mud patch on head add neat touch. Also liked the way you composed the shot. Just centering the Croc would not have been as good. Check out some of my Crococile pics from India
José Vianney Mendonça de Alencastro Junior
{K:6} 1/23/2005
Não parece um crocodilo, parece mais um jacaré. mas é uma boa foto.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 1/23/2005
As this is our second meeting on these pages, I woyld like to suggest that we switch to first names. I am Rafi and unles you object, I'll reger to you as Marcos.time. This time I settled on the above, not only because it was the last photo you posted and hence the first one I saw, but also because it was very good. It had character, the dof and colors were excellent and the croco had a very distinct expression.Thank you for your very friedly comments on my "Evening in Nes Tziona." Best regards, Rafi
Marcos Teixeira
{K:1738} 1/22/2005
Edison, Usei 380mm de zoom (10x). Embora uma placa avisasse que o bicho era manso, também avisava para não "bobear" pq que era um crocodilo, acima de tudo!
Paulo Machado
{K:4482} 1/22/2005
Muito boa a composição com o bicho enchendo o quadro.
Edison de Paula
{K:92} 1/22/2005
Demorei um certo tempo até indentificar o bichinho. É impactante a imagem, parabéns! Você usou o zoom ou ficou cara a cara mesmo com o bicho?
{K:2080} 1/11/2005
Great shot. Looks like an island with muddy beaches.