Erdoğan Sokullu LEK
{K:364} 4/13/2005
kocatepe burasi. hangi ara unuttun buralari. fazla domuz pastirmasi yeme oralarda kafir.zindik
Guray Agirbas
{K:73} 4/4/2005
Istanbol shok gozel, raki shish kabab shok gozel, i'll come and see again.
Erdoğan Sokullu LEK
{K:364} 2/26/2005
thanks Len
Len Webster
{K:25714} 2/12/2005
Great silhouette/sunset.
Erdoğan Sokullu LEK
{K:364} 1/17/2005
thanks alberto for your comment, but i don't like giving simple names to my pictures
alberto baez duarte
{K:8175} 1/16/2005
Very good picture...I have some from Istambul when I travelled there...very interesting country and city. Your picture is beautiful,lights and time...by the way..you didn't write a title for it... regards..
Erdoğan Sokullu LEK
{K:364} 1/13/2005
{K:4753} 1/12/2005
Cok guzel olmus. Eline saglik.
Erdoğan Sokullu LEK
{K:364} 1/12/2005
tessekuler Stephen
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 1/11/2005
Cok guzel fotograf Erdogan, fabulous landscape :-)
Best wishes, Steve
Erdoğan Sokullu LEK
{K:364} 1/11/2005
thanks Nour
Nour El Refai
{K:12481} 1/11/2005
amazing silhouette and contrast Tebrikler, for this wonderful image well done, regards
Erdoğan Sokullu LEK
{K:364} 1/11/2005
Orcun Kozluca
{K:3487} 1/11/2005
Muhtesem bir calisma olmus, tebrikler. Tek tavsiyem yazarken Turkce karakter kullanmaman. Basarilar.
Erdoğan Sokullu LEK
{K:364} 1/11/2005
thanks Luisa
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 1/11/2005
wonderful. Good siluette