Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/13/2005
so just fight.. baki.. a hard fight of the tree against the hand of the man... I believe that he will lose!!! soon a man will say that that tree is "too much big" and it will pull down it... we are too much little recognizing for the nature! geat contrast composition.. have a good day roby 7
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/11/2005
hi baki,
cool title and idea. and the fight can even be seen in the shadows ;-)
a bit overdone in the shadow part but that probably fits the subject.
Deleted Member
{K:7533} 1/11/2005
bu isin görünen kismi ama altta neler dönüyor kimbilir? agac kökleriyle betonu sardi sarmaladi bilem
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 1/10/2005
Thanks Kosti, actually i have taken this version today, with backlight and strong shadows and lower cam. angle than the previous one. cheers Baki
Kosti 7even
{K:6328} 1/10/2005
this image you have uploaded before (or one that belongs in the same series); and I think it is either the 1st or one of the 1st that I saw of your work. fight! concrete wall vs tree; manmade vs nature; it still captures my attention and I love it. :-) take care baki, kosti
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 1/10/2005
Merhaba Baki, beton kazanacak gibi gozukuyor ama baska alternatifler cikacak ortaya yillar sonra,umitsiz yasanmiyor. guzel bir kare,ters isik anlami guclendirmis, yakismis bu fotografa.tebrikler.
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 1/10/2005
I see a fight of shadows...