Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 1/12/2005
This is an excellent photo... I think the best compliment I can give someone is that I wish I took the photo and it is true in this case.. I have not had much luck at taking photos of the moon but this great.. the hills really add to the image.. the contrast between the yellowish moon and the blue sky is excellent... nicely done.
thanks for the comment on my autumn photo.. glad that you liked it.. although I just had a hard drive crash over the holidays and a lot of my photos were lost (including that one) Just a day or so away from backing everything up...oh well, lesson learned I guess... But, I guess it gives me a reason to go out and take more photos :)
Carol Watson
{K:5185} 1/12/2005
Nice contrast and layered abstract!
tom rumland
{K:14874} 1/11/2005
michael, excellent shot! good job balancing detail in the moon and maintaing background. the blue cast of the sky really works. reminds of the song "mountains of the moon". although i agree with hugo regarding the cropping of the catus tops in the lower left, i'd try it a bit differently... how's this?
take care, tom
moonrise redux |
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 1/11/2005
looks the the moon is just cutting a whole in the night..cool.
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 1/11/2005
Excellent. I think that about says it all. Del.
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 1/10/2005
Really a beauty. I would say a rare beauty. I have something similar in my portfolio, but this one is much better. Congrats.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/10/2005
Michael, Roughly: Yes. More precise, see attached.
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 1/10/2005
Hugo -
Moonrise Remix |
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 1/10/2005
Here is how I pulled this image off:
- I have a digital camera, pretty much essential to get the exposure correct. I used auto setting as a start on F-Stop and shutter and then switched the manual setting. I started bracketing by manually changing the F-Stop and shutter speed until I got a exposure graph that I was pleased with and detail in the moon.
a 1/60th of a second exposure is a good place to start.
- I also have a really solid Bogen tripod with quick release legs and head - allowed for a fast setup but a really firm grip on the camera for the telephoto night shot.
- Lastly, I have a Nikon 300 mm zoom lens, unfortunately a manual focus... So I had to focus, shoot, refocus shoot, over and over again. I later reviewed all the shots and this one photograph was in focus. The 6 megapixel image is so large manually focusing is not really an option. However, I have to use a telephoto lens to make the moon look large.
greg collins
{K:12273} 1/10/2005
Beautiful image. I have tried to achieve photos like this but fail. Great work. Greg
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 1/10/2005
A fine shot, Michael, though I agree with Hugo about the black 'clutter' in the lower left foreground. Regards, Chris
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/10/2005
Hi Michael, very well exposed photo. The yellow sphere in the blue landscape creates a very effective and appealing contrast. Also, the proximity of the moon to the horizon is superb. Very interesting to see how the earth's atmosphere acts like a lens, and distorts the moon to an elliptical shape. One minor detail: I think by cloning /cropping out the dark parts in the foreground (treetops? roofs?) would create a slightly more harmonious image. Still, an awesome shot.
Amy Flemming
{K:778} 1/10/2005
Very cool!