Joe dos Santos
{K:3682} 7/29/2005
Thank you Joanna. Very kind of you
joanna ewa
{K:8061} 7/29/2005
three flowers:) in my opinion super photo regards joanna ewa
Joe dos Santos
{K:3682} 2/3/2005
Glad you found it Maggie In appreciation of your friendship as well as an excellent lady and fine photographer
M.M. Meehan
{K:3751} 1/26/2005
I have finally found it.
Thank you so much José.
Right from the garden!!! I can smell that lovely fragrance.
Joe dos Santos
{K:3682} 1/9/2005
Thank you Lara for your comment. Was rainning when I took the shot. About the top flower? Well, depends of your interpretation. For me all the information is there, and that is what counts
Lara dos Santos
{K:1578} 1/9/2005
Love the details, the drops the colour of the rose. Although I think the cropping would've been better if you just made the upperside a bit longer, so you don't cut the small rose half away. Or cut the whole rose away at the top. Anyway.. It's still a beautiful picture!