David Hofmann
{K:22223} 4/10/2005
wow, that is really something!
yury z
{K:332} 1/12/2005
klassnye fotki u tebya, perebiraisya na kakoi-nibud russkii sait, a to tyt skuchnovato
Prying Open
{K:-544} 1/6/2005
oj, eta tozhe klassnaya fotka
svend videbak
{K:7376} 1/5/2005
Fun photograph! Really like how you caught the teenaged boy showing off for the appreciative cute blonde girl.
Rachel Leah
{K:26110} 1/4/2005
Great shot! I love the lightin and contrast and I like that it is in black and white... it looks great! Great job capturing the water flying at the perfect time! Good eye, nice work :) ~Rachel~
Marina Mishur
{K:625} 1/4/2005
U vas ,Anatoly, chudesnie photografii! Nastroenie otlichno peredayut,tsvetoperedacha vigodno otlichaetsa ot tsifrovoi. Marina.
Rita Boyko
{K:364} 1/4/2005
Good shot and lucky catch! :)