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Findhorn Sunset
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Image Title:  Findhorn Sunset
Favorites: 2 
 By: Ian Cameron  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Ian Cameron  Ian Cameron {Karma:1163}
Project #36 Magic Light Camera Model Pentax 67 II
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Seascapes
Lens 55-100 zoom
Uploaded 1/2/2005 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Velvia RVP
    ISO / Film Speed 50
Views 1381 Shutter 5s
Favorites Aperture f/22
Critiques 28 Rating
/ 13 Ratings
Location City -  Findhorn
Country - United Kingdom   United Kingdom
About One of the most vivid sunsets I have everwitnessed in Scotland was made doubly effective by the perfectly still waters reflecting the sky in Findhorn Bay. The central band of boats add interest to a basic though powerful sunset image.
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There are 28 Comments in 1 Pages
Laurie J. Herndon   {K:5338} 12/7/2006
aaaaah! Someone finally filled in the colors of my paint by number dreams! Another beauty Ian!!! Your work is quite impressive as is your bio (and equipment...I'm green with envy) It doesn't hurt to live in such a glorious part of the world either. Congrats on another incredible image.


Benedict Kwok Benedict Kwok   {K:105} 3/6/2006
how do you find these kind of landscapes


Shane O'Neill   {K:3054} 3/24/2005
absolutley fantastic landscape work - in fact the best I have seen here on Usefilm.

Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing more of it. Straight to friends list!


ahmet özkan   {K:7216} 2/9/2005
beautiful mood and reflection.


Luu Nguyen   {K:12} 1/13/2005
Incredible picture. I love it very much.
Luu Nguyen


jeff crowder   {K:2185} 1/8/2005
Ian - another spectacular shot - Jeff


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/5/2005
Hi peter we really do get quite incredible sunsets up here, see my other Findhorn image the reflected light made my face glow red. As for Ribbons of fire, the 0.9ND grad filter on the top will have darkened the sky and consequently given the impression of increased saturation but this is still a very good mimic of my original Velvia transparency.


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 1/5/2005
Look at this .. can't almost believe it was really as you show here .. never experienced a sky so on fire .. your shot is very well composed, only i would have cropped more from the bottom, to emphasize the sky.

Regards, Peter


Hakan AKIRMAK Hakan AKIRMAK   {K:15913} 1/4/2005
Excellent photo Ian! Congrats!


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/3/2005
Thank you Kate, I'm delighted you enjoy my photograph. I try very hard to make the digital output match my transparency as viewed on a lightbox for colour contrast and density. This is an excellent match. Please have a look at my website you may find some other images you enjoy. Transient Light and


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/3/2005
Thank you Tim I'm delighted you enjoy my photograph. I try very hard to make the digital output match my transparency as viewed on a lightbox for colour contrast and density. This is an excellent match. Please have a look at my website you may find some other images you enjoy. Transient Light and


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/3/2005
Thank you Melissa, I'm delighted you enjoy my photograph. I try very hard to make the digital output match my transparency as viewed on a lightbox for colour contrast and density. This is an excellent match. Please have a look at my website you may find some other images you enjoy. Transient Light and


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/3/2005
Thank you Roberto, my Italian isn't great but I got the general idea. I'm delighted you enjoy my photograph. I try very hard to make the digital output match my transparency as viewed on a lightbox for colour contrast and density. This is an excellent match. Please have a look at my website you may find some other images you enjoy. Transient Light and


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/3/2005
Thank you Alastair I'm delighted you enjoy my photograph. I try very hard to make the digital output match my transparency as viewed on a lightbox for colour contrast and density. This is an excellent match. Please have a look at my website you may find some other images you enjoy. Transient Light and


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/3/2005
Thank you Rachel I'm delighted you enjoy this photograph. I try very hard to make the digital output match my transparency as viewed on a lightbox for colour contrast and density. This is an excellent match. Please have a look at my website you may find some other images you enjoy. Transient Light and


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/3/2005
Thank you Francesco I'm delighted you enjoy my photographs. I try very hard to make the digital output match my transparency as viewed on a lightbox for colour contrast and density. This is an excellent match. Please have a look at my website you may find some other images you enjoy. Transient Light and


Ian Cameron Ian Cameron   {K:1163} 1/3/2005
Thank you Barrie I'm delighted you enjoy my photographs. I try very hard to make the digital output match my transparency as viewed on a lightbox for colour contrast and density. This is an excellent match. Please have a look at my website you may find some other images you enjoy. Transient Light and


Kessia & Morgan UVA   {K:7265} 1/3/2005
WOW! one of the most amazing sunsets i have ever seen!! beautiful photo...the colors are stunning and almost unbelievable! perfectly captured! Kessia


Alessandro Lavagna   {K:2231} 1/3/2005
Just perfect.



Bikramadittya G. Roy   {K:7202} 1/3/2005
Great colors and composition. Cheers


Kate F   {K:304} 1/3/2005


Tim Long Tim Long   {K:9228} 1/3/2005
Incredible sunset, Ian, and you caught it very well. Regards.


Melissa    {K:1791} 1/3/2005
Congratulations! This shot is SO captivating!


Roberto Bertone   {K:13239} 1/3/2005

Un saluto.


Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 1/3/2005
Its so fantastic to find a sunset this good (and Scotland has some crackers!) Beautiful colours and reflections.. all in all a superb image!


Rachel Leah Rachel Leah   {K:26110} 1/2/2005
Woah!! Amazing shot! This is going straight to my favotires!! I absolutely love this! The reflection off the smooth water looks great! This is an incredible sunset... great job capturing this! Wow... excellent work... absolutely gorgeous shot! :) :)


Francesco Claudio Cipolletta Francesco Claudio Cipolletta   {K:2641} 1/2/2005
Amazing colors and wonderful landscape. Probably the best sunset I've ever seen. Great color return by the exceptional Fuji Velvia. Probably this is the beautiful pic i see in this month on Use film.

Really compliments !



Barrie Cranston   {K:172} 1/2/2005
Another stunner.




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