James Cook
{K:38068} 5/5/2007
Yep, that's a great flare.
Amitava Banerjea
{K:7088} 2/3/2005
Fantastic shot. Congratulations!
May be you could have retained some more detail on the mountain, at least in another version.
Well, this is one place I haven't been:-(
Craig Hanson
{K:7836} 1/25/2005
Thanks Nim! I used ISO 200, but I darkened image, etc. to get the simple result you see. The original had a grayer sky, a bit of flare and more detail in the mountain surface.
Nim Aronow
{K:5} 1/25/2005
what ashot, great timeing and i love the coloers very nice. on what rateing of ISO did you shot ?
Craig Hanson
{K:7836} 1/16/2005
Thank you Eric. I took about 50 shots that morning. Some of them you could see the details of the mountain as well, but they all had quite a bit of flare. I liked the simplicity of this one.
eric schneider
{K:1318} 1/16/2005
You should of had more views on this one. This is not an easy capture. Timing of the year, location, weather all play a big role in this shot. Fuji san has eluded me for 13 yrs., however I havent tried to hard. Whenever I get close to fuji it clouds up on me....doesnt like me I guess. Anyway a very nice shot!"
Alex Pieroni
{K:15506} 1/2/2005
Nice magical capture! Well done.