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Romance Down Under
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Image Title:  Romance Down Under
Favorites: 1 
 By: Judi Liosatos  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Judi Liosatos  Judi Liosatos {Karma:34047}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Sony DSC F828
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Sunsets/Sunrises
Lens Carl Zeiss
Uploaded 12/26/2004 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 509 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 49 Rating
/ 19 Ratings
Location City -  Central Queensland
Country - Australia   Australia
About Can you imagine sitting here with your loved one by your side watching the sun go down.....I can!!

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There are 49 Comments in 1 Pages
Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/31/2004
It is a beautiful place to visit Den. One day I hope that you get to see it too.



Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 12/30/2004
Oh yes that would be wonderful, this is just one of those exceptional images, that is so perfect and conjures up such lovely thoughts and dreams - will add to my favourites


Den Thompson   {K:30432} 12/30/2004
Yes I can imagine it Judi. It's so peaceful just to sit and take it all in but it vanishes so quickly. I love the silhouettes you've captured. Such an atmosphere.


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/29/2004
Jorg, I hope that one day you will be able to come and see these skies too. I would be happy to show you around.



Jorg Reif   {K:16020} 12/29/2004
Well, we have to imagine being in this beautiful place you do not need to have to imagine, I guess, lucky you. Gorgeous scene very dramatic and romantic the same time.
Wonderful shot!
Best regards Jorg


Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 12/29/2004
Well Judi, you are so sweet, i know exactly what you are feelng......I've been in simliar situtations at times and places in life.......:-))

Hugs my friend......



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/29/2004
WOW....thankyou so very much Boleros. I am truly flattered.



boleros amedeo   {K:377} 12/29/2004
Hi Judi...Your portfolio is wonderful!!!What's incredible silhouette and fantastic red tones of sunset...lovely...
Bye Amedeo and thanks a lot for your attention for my photos :-)


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/29/2004
Thankyou Andree. I totally agree with you....!



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/29/2004
No Larry. I usually sit there by myself with the camera whilst the children are at home with hubby. I look around and feel amiss when I see the young lovers looking dreamily into each other eyes. whilst I turn to my camera and try to capture what they see also.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/29/2004
Yes Ez. Your words are perfect in the description of of my favourite places.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/29/2004
Anytime my friend. I know that if you visit this beautiful country you too would enjoy the sunsets it has to offer.



Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 12/29/2004
Beautiful firely sunset and romantic atmosphere,and tranquillity.


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 12/28/2004
One of the most stunning sunset I have ever seen. And yes, it is a perfect setting for a romantice sunset with a glass of champagne (or not).


Ivan Antolic   {K:321} 12/28/2004
Cool siluetes, very nice idea for sunset. Good photo!


Jaroslav Dole?al   {K:785} 12/28/2004
Good work Judi D



Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 12/27/2004
Yup Judo, sure can---difference being is you and he are did you two sit and watch?? :-))

Missed a terrific chance if you did not.



Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 12/27/2004
Beautiful colours, Judi! A great place to watch the sunset!


Ezequiel Lozada Ezequiel Lozada   {K:17176} 12/27/2004
Hello, Judi !
That`s OK, perfect place to imagine that loving relation. The warms colors of the image are very beautiful, indeed; and gives a touch of magic in the air.
Well done.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/27/2004
wow. Judi.. beautifullllllllllllll!
Kiss, BIliana


You are so kind..
Good luck,


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/27/2004
Yes I certainly do remember my friend. I thought of you when I was working on this image.



Dear Judi,
Do you remember that I had written a comment to your photo like this composition.. It is the place to sit there with your love and stay there...
I liked this place and your photograph.. Very lovely tones..


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 12/27/2004
I wish if I can!!! very beauitful and romantic view


Ellen Smith Ellen Smith   {K:14418} 12/27/2004


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/26/2004
Thankyou so much Marco.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/26/2004
Thankyou so much Gary. I am really flattered.]



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/26/2004
Aww thanks Larry.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/26/2004
Ahh yes....I knnow what you are saying.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/26/2004
Fabrice, this is one of my favourite places. You always seem to be in another world out there.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/26/2004
Thankyou so very much Sergio.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/26/2004
Yes Marian. I always look forward to going out to this favourite place of mine.



Marco Maresca Marco Maresca   {K:14418} 12/26/2004
Stupenda foto,cara Judi.I colori sono eccellenti. La foto è molto romantica!!!!!! Ciao by Marco


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 12/26/2004
quite special indeed!!!


Gary Jermain   {K:188} 12/26/2004
A beautiful silhouette, beautifully done. Thank you!


Larry Quigley Larry Quigley   {K:12887} 12/26/2004
Very nice shot, Judi. The deep warm reds are great! A keeper! Larry


Ferdinand    {K:3516} 12/26/2004
Hi Judi - yes, I can imagine it. With a glass of something. And then... ah well!


G G G G   {K:61359} 12/26/2004
Wow!! Amazing colors.. The place where I like to go to meditaite.. Absolutely superb. 7++


Sergio Sánchez   {K:2350} 12/26/2004
Wonderful tones, wonderful place.



Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 12/26/2004
lucky you!!! romance in red.... so beautiful.... regards Marian


- -   {K:2997} 12/26/2004
lookc great..especially the red tones are splendid


Hussam Abdul Nour Hussam Abdul Nour   {K:3799} 12/26/2004
Bravo Judi
very nice colors


Roberto Bertone   {K:13239} 12/26/2004
Suggestiva immagine!!!



John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 12/26/2004
Hello Judi!
Very nice, warm photo.The slihouettes are great and the red reflection on the water is beautiful!
Well done Judi!
My very best...........JOHN


- -   {K:2309} 12/26/2004
All in Red - perfect! Judi this is so beautiful... 7+


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/26/2004
Thankyou Luis. You too saw the romance in this style of image.



Luís Lobo Henriques   {K:9002} 12/26/2004
What a hot red romance!
Stunning, my dear Judi!


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 12/26/2004
Thankyou so much Burak. You saw the same thing in this image as I did...the natural framing by the silhouettes.



Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 12/26/2004
very nice picture,I like the silhouettes a regards




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