Your right brad, I didn't really think about it, but it is a very smart tactic for selling her clothes, the woman was actually foreign and very beautiful i might add, you can see her in another shot of mine, ( a little blurry but i like it) anyway, because she holds up the mirror infront of her for every single customer, instead of just hanging it on her cart, she is adding a sense of indebtedness i guess, they fell obligated, even though the shalls were very nice. HAHA i think i am begining to be able to tell I am a psych major, all the classes are seeping into my thought process, guess thats a good thing. Tim
I like the way your mind operates, Timothy. You continually find unique angles, clever macros, and touching glimpses into "everyday life". This old lady's an "old school" marketing wizzard.....the young lady, her victim! Nice eye, my friend! ...Brad
I like the way your mind operates, Timothy. You continually find odd angles, unique macros, and touching "everyday" scenes. The old lady is a marketing wizzard....the young lady, her victim! This is a unique and clever glimpse. ..Brad