City - Houston State - TEXAS Country - United States
This is South Post Oak & Westheimer, the Houston's 364-day-a-year most heavy traffic in front of Galleria Mall. The only difference is, this picture has been taken in the morning of Christmas Day , December 25, 2004 ? the day after local residents witnessed their first Christmas Eve with snow.
Merry Christmas to all Houstonians on the move or away from home!
Photo taken from driver seat of the car. The blue portion is real color of the windshield, not 80B filter, nor Photoshop manipulation.
I had take a shot of a downtown street on Curitiba, at that time, it was suposed to be almost empty, but what you can see is a lot of people buying... :( don't like it... It's terrible to walk there...
You guys got snow !!! Lucky, yea that place is always packed. It's weird to see it empty, Thats the only place I've seen chrome light poles. Love the way they light up the place. Cool Shot