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{K:6897} 12/14/2004
Beautiful! It looks like a painting... I like it very much.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/14/2004
Not too much snow yet, Jeff! Nice shot on a frosty morning! Dave.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 12/13/2004
Hey, stop with the cold weather would you? Let's see some of those left over spring wildflower pics. The weather here is no where near as cold as yours, but it is foggy and depressing. As always, you have shown the great expanses of the prairie very well as a background to this interesting old structure.
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 12/13/2004
Beautiful image Jeff... Love the composition... It is great to see some snow... :) Hope you are not freezing... Great colors!!!
Günter Koth
{K:13841} 12/13/2004
What a great view. Beautiful tones and a superb composition, Jeff. I like the hazy snow covered Rockies in the background. Regards, Günter
Gerry Pacher
{K:7303} 12/13/2004
Dear Jeff,
I like this open field with this special "cold" mood... I can smell this fresh air.
Regards, Gerry
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 12/13/2004
Great shot, Jeff. Glad to hear you're not freezing to death up there!
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 12/13/2004
A very cold looking scene Jeff! A neat old delapidated barn with the dusting of snow! Well done Jeff! My very best to You!!!..........................JOHN
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 12/13/2004
Out there sunbathing were we heheheheh Great composition Margaret
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 12/13/2004
Hi Jeff,
This is really a pleasing photograph, wonderful color tones and perfect composition!
You were having a regular 'heat wave' huh? LOL
We were gone over the weekend, but I heard that San Diego was 86 degrees yesterday, the hottest in the nation! In DECEMBER!
But, not to worry, your Arctic weather will probably return! Lori :)
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 12/13/2004
A very beautiful prairie impression ! Moment and composition are very good. Regards Jan