Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 12/7/2004
Again not the usual shot. but works so well, it creates an atmosphere and aura, catches the intensity and concentration, and bathed in gold Margaret
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 12/6/2004
I like this one. The dark figure against the colors of the sky works very well, You did good this time. Del.
Bruce Elliott
{K:2434} 12/6/2004
Great shot. Love the sunlight and the tones it's throwing off. It could be any child playing. Really like it. Well done.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 12/6/2004
Very creative shot. I love it. The gold. It's all about winning the gold. :)
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 12/5/2004
Golden moment (very very bad pun, but I couldn't resist.) I love the light, the blur, and the composition - somehow it's less about one specific kid, and more a tribute to all the kids who play and their parents who faithfully watch. Well done!
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 12/5/2004
ERR, excuse me but I thought you got runs in cricket. Just shows what I know about sport but I do know 15 Reds, 15 Blacks and all the colours = 147. And I find that game strenuous!!!!! Den