Nice work michael, A very different outcome to kostas you've achieved here, i think its a positive one, Very vibrating almost like youd imagine how sound would look if you could see it. Nice titles as well, a crystal method fan? :P great photo 7
The exposures with the car cam are really hard to gague, because when I stop the flap theoretically closes. I also have to guess, because the camera had no published F-Stop.
I used a ruler and measured the diameter of the lens opening as well as the distance from lens to negative, and I think the camera is 1/16 F-Stop. With 200 speed film, this would roughly require a 1 minute exposure if you are driving by a well lit area like a strip mall with open store fronts based on my experience. When you are on the street you have to go a bit longer, and I think I left this one open for 3 or 4 minutes.
WOw! Incredible shot! I love the colors and lighting... it looks so cool! I love these types of shots, and this one is definately one of the coolest... excellent work! ~Rachel~