Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 12/1/2004
Thank you Biliana! He was such a gorgeous baby, he looks great in both!
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 12/1/2004
Shehabeldin, I agree! The color version is more lively! I love his pink skin and gorgeous eyes! It's hard to choose, so I'll let mom choose!
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 12/1/2004
Dear A., thanks for your comment. The body was intentionally blurred to get a shallow dof effect! Thanks for looking and commenting!
{K:30945} 12/1/2004
Oh, dear Dale, this baby is adorable! So cute to eat him! And now what!?!?! I dont know which to prefer more between in color or B&W! both perfect for me. Great work daer Dale! Kisses, Biliana
Shehabeldin Mostafa
{K:1163} 12/1/2004
I like the colored version more...it is more lively.... v. cute
A. Baksh
{K:517} 12/1/2004
the body is not sharp,but even its very cute,nice picture A.Baksh
Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 12/1/2004
Thanks Kamran! I think so too, I'm torn!
{K:3526} 12/1/2004
I like the B & W More good job