Giorgio Mesghetz
{K:6724} 5/24/2005
bellissima!i miei complimenti!ancora7!
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 5/14/2005
Hi Margaret Thanks for the comment. I didnt realise I was on the front so thanks for pointing that out as well. It was a funny one for usefilm to select as comment of the day tho? All the best
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 5/14/2005
Congrats on being on front page today, this is a great shot, I can imagaine it was difficult, but as wwell as the lovely smiles, you have captured the gorgeous colours and swirls in the bubbles. I saw your excellent eyelash shot on the front page, it is very good, I took a series of these of my grandaughter when she was sleeping, and I love them. Margaret
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 12/30/2004
this is a great shot. so fun. excellent.
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 12/1/2004
Hi Lori
Sorry i havent been posting or commenting recently. Hopefully my life will be back to normal soon. The bubbles are real. I had an assistant on the floor throwing the bubble maker up and out of shot. had to wait for the bubbles to sit in the right position. Shot about sixty images to get this one!
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 12/1/2004
Hi David,
This is GREAT! Very original, I have never seen anything like this one! Are those the plastic bubbles? Good job, Lori ;)
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 11/30/2004
Hi Stephen Thanks for those great comments. It did border on the nearly impossible, but good old luck came into play in the end. Still really busy and finishing off my last assignment for my masters for this semester. Will get back into posting images and sarcastic comments in the next month hopefully. :)
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 11/30/2004
You call it difficult, if I was faced with this I would have called it impossible !!!
Amazing photo, at first I could not understand how you got everything in focus ... then saw the lens !!
I guess you were not as close to the subjects as it appears ? (then again I'm probably miles off target lol)
This really is superb David - good to hear from you again also :-)
Best wishes, Steve
ps this is so appealing I will add it to my faves !
George Vlahos
{K:1727} 11/29/2004
Absolutely fantastic image. I wish I could do this!!
{K:42404} 11/29/2004
David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where was you my dear friend!!!!!!!!!!!! Betty and me miss you a lot!!!!!!! Incredible pic my dear friend you are the best , super light, details, colors reflection, composition , all is perfect, congrats and God bless you my friend. PS I hope that you dont lost again :(
{K:30945} 11/29/2004
wowwwwwwwww wowowwwwwwwwwwwwww what a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGG BUBBLESSSSSSS! ha ha .. Love it. Great one! Thank YOU dear David.. Thank you so much!!! ha ha. lovely so huge ones! Excellent Kisses, Biliana
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 11/29/2004
Excellent shot and splendid idea. Congratulation.
Ben Mok
{K:4084} 11/29/2004
Must be difficult! Well done, Ben
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 11/29/2004
beautiful and funny capture! lovely work!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/29/2004
just one just big gift to biliana! roby 7
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 11/29/2004
Excellent capture Dave!! Very beautiful image! Regards!
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 11/29/2004
David, beautiful homage for Biliana Great work beautiful portrait Teunis