Nanette: Thanks for the info. I'll have to check out Mr. Hamann's book & look into his classes @ the ICP. 1 problem w/living in DC is the severe shortage of tall buildings!
Nanette: If it's not a big hassle for you, yes, I would like to know the name of the guy taking vertical panoramics. I'm a long-time fan of panoramas (especially for travel & architecture shots--I once considered getting the Hasselblad/Fuji X-pan just for those purposes), but I've never even thought about going vertical.
Nanette: Thanks for your comments. The lack of contrast is probably due to the dreaded Mac v. Windows gamma gap (Mac-edited images tend to look darker on Windows machines) & the limitations of my cheapo scanner. If I weren't a believer in (pretension alert!) Cartier-Bresson's "full frame" philosophy, I would definitely agree with your about cropping suggestions. But seriously, I find the little signpost in the lower right distracting, too.