ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 12/13/2004
Bella composizione con ottime linee. Forse un leggero margine nel lato superiore avrebbe aperto maggiormente l'immagine, oppure, cosa che mi soddisfa maggiormente avrei completamente tagliato il cielo. Considerazione del tutto personale. Ciao.
ale Raso
{K:1049} 11/29/2004
splendida composizione!!!!!
ciao Ale
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 11/27/2004
Virtuoso! Textures, tones and shadows all perfect... a memorable image, and all the more powerful for having such a limited palette! That rim of blue sky is fine, too.
donato r.
{K:16361} 11/27/2004
molto bella la luce che accarezza ed esalta i colori, gran bel lavoro! ciao donato
Emma Petrella
{K:3577} 11/27/2004
Mi piace molto la grana. Ottima l'illuminazione che rende tutto molto morbido...
Anche io avrei tagliato il cielo e il trattore, per ottenere un bell'astratto oppure avrei lasciato più spazio al cielo e trattore se l'idea era quella di sottolineare il lavoro di campo.
Complimenti Emma
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 11/26/2004
Roberto, I have seen a lot of pictures of bales of hay, and I have one of my own hanging in my studio. I'm to the point where I think..."If I see aNOTHER picture of a bale of hay!!!!... Well, here is one and I LOOOOVE it. This one is absolutely fantastic. (Now all this and what if it's not hay....lol...I'm assuming here and perhaps I shouldn't). At any rate, the texture, light, perspective and composition make this one sing to me. Bravo!
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 11/26/2004
Great diagonals composition! Good texture and colors too. COmpliemnti.
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 11/26/2004
Very nice subject and clarity..Thank you.
{K:30945} 11/26/2004
wow. what lines of fields dear Roberto! But I think I would like to see more space at the top, or to crop the house IMHO! Baci caro amico, Biliana
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 11/26/2004
Excellent composition Roberto!!! Very beautiful perspective!! Excellent portfolio too!! Thank you for your comments!! Best wishes!
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 11/26/2004
Grazie Roberto, ho già visto e gradito!!!
Adam Borkowski
{K:1335} 11/26/2004
superb, like a picture-great job
{K:13082} 11/26/2004
Fantasic image and well spotted. Either make the sky a lot more vivid and/or blue or crop as suggested above.
You've given me some ideas though...well done
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/26/2004
stupenda.. la imponenza e il grafismo!! ale raso ti ha dedicato una foto!! la sua ultima roby
Francesco Martini
{K:12249} 11/26/2004
ottima immagine con u bel taglio diagonale!!!!
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 11/26/2004
interesting line and texture; however for the composition, I would crop the sky and the tractor and concentrate on the field and its patterns it is lovely with good light; IMHO, the tractor and sky distract the view and the whole composition; but this is my vision only; anyway, well dspotted and good perspective regards Lukasz
Robert Jaworowski
{K:533} 11/26/2004
Great shot Roberto. Composition and the story behind is great. All I miss, are warmer (golden) colours on the picture, but anyway it's excellent work. Regards, Robert. PS. The sky is OK. It would also work without the sky, only texture. More blue sky in the picture would destroy all it's balance.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 11/26/2004
I'd have to agree with Paul on this one. This is a wonderful image with awesome colors, lines, and textures..but a little more blue sly at the top and this would be totally awesome!
{K:42404} 11/26/2004
WOWWW!!!! increible fotografía y paisaje 7+++++++++++ querido amigo, digna de un gran premio, Dios te bendiga
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 11/26/2004
Lovely texture and colours, the rows of crops lead the eye to the tracktor perfectly. I think it needs a little more space at the top though, for my taste it's cropped a bit too close to the tractor. Thanks for your comments on my image.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 11/25/2004
Belllissima textura e composizione.E dire che mi sembrava,prima di aprire l'immagine un maglione. Complimenti!!!!!!!
Fabrizio Fiorucci
{K:4871} 11/25/2004
Spettacolare, toni morbidi e ben definiti... le ombre verso sinistra danno un tocco in piu' all'insieme... io avrei "croppato" via la parte di cielo in modo da avere una texture unica.