I did a workshop over the weekend to learn more about studio lighting and wedding photography. There were 8 models in total, some as brides, bridesmaids, flower girls, grooms... and 3 different lighting set ups. This was shot with the light passing through a shoot-through umbrella and a reflector on the other side. I never shoot people, and I hardly ever use studio lights, so it was quite a challenge for me (I'm intimidated by flashes and slave units!) so I was happy when at least a few of the roll turned out. This has been softened in PS. Comments would be extremely welcomed... what can I work on next time?
Well, I'm certainly not the best qualified to critique portraits, but I can say I think this looks quite beautiful! I really like the softness as it seems to fit her happy, glowing expression perfectly! I'm definitely in agreement with the others about the tight crop, though, especially the way her cheek is cut off at right, and to me the skin tones seem a little pink (although that may have been the case!) I think you should be extremely proud of this shot - especially for a self-professed non people photographer (like me!)
Thanks for your thoughts Stefan... I agree that the framing is too tight, although I definitely needed someone to point this out to me. As for the softness-- I like the look, but also I needed to soften it in order to get rid of the grain of an underexposed shot. I can't seem to make it look nice without that softness. Any thoughts on how to help out a grainy, underexposed shot?
Anyways, thanks again to everyone who commented... it's exciting to hear back from others on my first real portrait shoot.
To my eye, this is a classic soft focus beauty shot. The tight framing is unusual and unexpected, and like some of the other commenters seems too much. She needs a bit more breathing room.
On the other hand, the lighting and positioning of the model look quite professional. I'm very impressed that this is your first attempt at portraiture! I would love to see other shots you have, including those that you have not softened in PS.
Outstanding results - and how much fun it must have been! I am not partial to the softening but I know that is a very subjective thing. The framing is a little too tight IMO, particularly on the right hand side. Please post a couple more!
hardwork Kim, just suggestion....if you more played in hue/saturation, more less in saturation and a bit up to hue, this foto could be has a classical style.
this is a very nice portrait, the colors are beautiful, the soft skin tone and hair are perfect, whatever you lighting technique is it works well, great shot....