City - San Antonio State - TEXAS Country - United States
Photo taken of staircase leading up to former office of the Father President. Since Mission Concepción stood at the center of local religious activity, it served as the residence for many years of the Father President, the missionary elected from among his brothers to serve as the local field coordinator. From the beginning, Mission Concepción hosted religious festivals. The missionaries strove to replace traditional Indian ritual and celebration with Christian pageantry. Morality plays and processionals such as Las Posadas, reenacting the events surrounding the birth of Christ, were common practice. The natives' acceptance of Christianity was formalized by the missionaries through baptisms and administration of the other sacraments. While some conversions were temporary at best, the combination of strict teaching and celebration eventually bore fruit. Today, the missions are parishes with many active members tracing their roots to the neophytes of long ago.
*Mission Concepción 807 Mission Rd. at Felisa St. San Antonio Texas, 78210 (210) 534-1540
Wonderful composiiton, lighting and contrasts in this image. I love the feel of the girl being so soft and delicate against the stone staircase. I might have left out the top arch and cropped the top where the grass starts, however it does tend to add a sensation of life and light to the overall image. Thanks for the very informative commentary. It is always nice to understand the history behind the image. Blessings to you and yours.
When I first looked at this I assumed it was in a country far far away...not so close to me. It is a beautiful place. I love the architecture. The light, texture and tone are wonderful. The little girl standing there creates an unusual picture. Excellent.