Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 11/9/2004
Great stuff Gabrielle - your patience has been rewarded, Margaret
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 11/9/2004
Wheheh, at last!!!!!!!!! Congrats, Bravo & Magnifico. Love the colours and reflections. Ok, his back is a little burned out but I can live with that. Hope you can. Did you have to get some camouflage to do it (Hehe)? I am soooooo pleased for you. Your patience has paid off at last. Den
Neil Niamh White
{K:9165} 11/9/2004
Well captured. Lovely birds.
Difficult b****rs to capture aren't they. There's a heron appeared at Greemham Common, that has only showed itself when the light has been so bad I can't take a photo of it!
One day...
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 11/9/2004
Good catch. I hope people realize how nervous these birds are and how hard it is to get close to them. One stop faster and I think you had it nailed. I like the reflections. Just a tad overexposed on the back and a little blur
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 11/9/2004
You go girl! Very nice capture. :)
Kunal Mehta
{K:2496} 11/9/2004
Gabrielle, Excellent image. I think this is little Heron. I just took some photos of Great Blue Heron, you can see the photo in my portfolio. If you increase details in shadow a bit and adjust brightness/constrast in PS, this image can be even better. -Kunal