Shady Adly
{K:7814} 11/9/2004
Thanks Eva for reply you are so sweet, I've only one comment that the guard is a man not women (: best regards.
Eva Laurence
{K:1216} 11/9/2004
Much much better, Ahady. I like it better this way. The woman and her gesture is excellent, as I would be tempted to believe that a cold wind is blowing from that hall and she is just about to catch a cold. more than that, I ahve the sensation that she is staying there since many years ago :)
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 11/9/2004
Hi Shady, I also like this image, wonderful textures, perfect for a 'street photo'... I very much like how you have composed this image. Good job, Lori :)
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 11/8/2004
thanks Ashley you can see the sharper in my reply to eva ,what do u think about it is it better?
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 11/8/2004
thanks Eva so much for your comment i try to mack it sharper ,what do you think?
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 11/8/2004
Nice shot Shady, I like the way you have positioned this man and how you have left the open space opposite him, nice textures and details. Alison
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 11/8/2004
Nice composition Shady, The tones and lighting are good but little bit soft. Good work Shady. Best regards, Khaled.
Ashley Wallis
{K:447} 11/8/2004
Good subject; the style and compostition are excellent, but I agree with Eva - a little more sharpness would really do it better justice.
Eva Laurence
{K:1216} 11/8/2004
I like this image. what about a bit sharper?