Tim Long
{K:9228} 11/15/2004
Creative flower, indeed. I like the effect you achieved here. Very internal. Regards.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 11/2/2004
It's the result that counts, the way to achieve it are but means and the result in your photo is stunning. If you go a little back in my portflio, you will find similar photos that aroused associations of female internal organs in reddish yellow, also from the insides of flowers. Unfortunately I don't know their names and perhaps you can help me there. Thank you for your somewhat idiosyncratic comment on my "Variation e", but I undertand that you meant it in a friendly way. Saludos and Shalom, Gilberto, Rafi
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 11/2/2004
Excellent and orginal idea Gilberto.... Love the composition.. Keep the good work...
Sam Oppenheim
{K:3362} 11/2/2004
interesting effect. very artistic, very abstract. cool.
Regina Rianelli
{K:24147} 11/1/2004
WOW........... Gilberto! my Compliments for such superb shot!!! what a superb ARTISTIC view, my Friend!
Thanks for sharing!
my Best, Regina
Gilberto Santa Rosa
{K:11147} 11/1/2004
Rose. I have one of these plants in my garden. At last night, three of them they had blossomed. Of the leaves, one extracts a substance, very used in homeopathy, to fight cardiac arritimias (extrasistoles) due to alchoolism or tabagism.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 11/1/2004
Gilberto, great abstract Teunis
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 11/1/2004
Wonderful, beautiful soft blues, lovely abstract Margaret
Rose Martin
{K:4696} 11/1/2004
How do you get these pictures? I just looked up the name and found out it's a cactus. Amazing, but how do you do it? Beautiful muted colors and effect. Nice abstract.
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 11/1/2004
Wonderful Photograph Gilberto, Great colors and Composition. Interesting result....
Thanks for sharing? Peter Daniel
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 11/1/2004
Experiência interessante, obrigada por compartilhar. Este é o espaço perfeito para discutirmos estes recursos e efeitos. Tanto desta como da sépia anterior, sugiro que tente produzir os mesmos efeitos com o PS.. sem alterar as cores originais na câmera pra comparar, só com o sofware. Abraço! Carmem