a. M.
{K:9020} 9/24/2005
wow paolo..this is awesome. i just love how you shot this like you were lying on the ground. the leaves and the blur effect are awesome . you did an awesome job on this photo. great job.
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 1/17/2005
Yes I think it is a good foto. I also think the creative use of DOF and not having the focus on the person walking is quite effective. Beautiful!
sindhu rajaram
{K:724} 1/11/2005
zosia zija
{K:11106} 12/14/2004
very nice photo
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 11/19/2004
great BW work..thanx for kind comment!
E. Haque
{K:433} 10/31/2004
I am liking the creative focus very much. Good work.
{K:30983} 10/30/2004
Ciao Paolo, un'atmosfera magica. Sarei proprio curiosa di vedere dove abita quest'uomo!
Paola LL
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 10/29/2004
beautiful and moody image!! I like the DOF! congrats. G
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 10/29/2004
I am a little puzzled by the sharp and blurred areas. Was there some movement blur (from wind?) as well as the effect of a limited depth of focus? I ask because branches that appear to be at the same distance are sharp in one part and blurred in another part of the picture... I think it might have been wiser to crop away the nearer foreground blurred area. I think there was the potential for a truly excellent picture here. I'd go back and try again. It's a really great idea, with great possibilities.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 10/28/2004
nice image.. like the use of b&w.. and the perspective is great
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/28/2004
stučenda DOF e eccezionale atmosfera come sempre belle! roby 7+
{K:1453} 10/28/2004
Very good work , Super perspective, good DOF, and nice tone
Peaec :)
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 10/28/2004
Beautiful atmosphere.
{K:107} 10/28/2004
molto suggestiva!
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 10/28/2004
Excellent contrast and detail!
Hanneke vanden Boogerd
{K:23} 10/28/2004
The contrast in black and white is ok, nice composition.. Well done!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 10/28/2004
good image!