M jalili
{K:69009} 3/15/2008
What a beautiful composition and colorful .............
Donna Johnson
{K:9906} 10/31/2004
Like they say, it's not the camera, it's the eye behind it. Very nice seeing!
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 10/30/2004
Fabulous lines to this composition, very triangular, but the wonderful colours also give it a lovely soft feel, - I wont go on - just put in my favourites Margaret
Mitchell Miller
{K:3009} 10/30/2004
Wonderful composition and sharpness!!!
Zsolt Radákovits
{K:10376} 10/26/2004
Hm, Very very nice!
I like the composition! Congrats Radák
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/24/2004
Nice composition, Lou! Lighting is perfect! Dave.
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 10/23/2004
the bench seems to be suspended in the hair not touching the wood; splendid photo
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 10/23/2004
very nice picture,I like the composition and beautiful natural colors,my best regards
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 10/23/2004
Lou, beautiful place for dream Great compositie by rain Teunis
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 10/23/2004
This is what I would call creating a picture, where nothing was obvious. Excellent treatment.
aydin turker
{K:3988} 10/23/2004
"Nobody playing today except us crazy photographers!" :) this is what I also think most of the absurd days which most prefer to stay at home except me! good catch and vivid colors strengthens the effect. cheers.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 10/23/2004
Amazing capture,like the angle shot showing the bench alone looking towards the pond,empty due to rain,beautiful vivid colour composition,Saeed