hi Miguel, fantastic shot.all the kids of this planet who have to work for just to earn their bread r the same.if somebody told me that this picture was taken in bangladesh icouldnt argue. similler kids over here take on huge n dangerous rivers daily basic either for ferrying passenger o for fishing earnig less than a dollar loosing their precious chilhood.shame on us n on our leaders. regars from dhaka
Hi Miguel, First, I think this is a fabulous shot. Very well composed, and very well lit / exposed. A very good jounalistic / reportive shot. Impressive!
BUT (ain't there always one...;o) in light of the competition, it's too journalistic. I'd place it in the "Esperanza" cathegory, but in expressing the Hope in the lives of all the poor children in Columbia, I think this shot is of a different nature.
I'll try to explain waht I mean. This shot deals, according to the title, with a kid canoeing to work, which in essence is a pittyful thought, as he should've been in school. But that pittyful thought, which would fit within the Esperanza cathegory, is mainly based on the title. For all I know, he could be going to school, or just spending an active saturday afternoon on the local river. That information is not made clear with this shot.
For the Esperanza theme, I would look for a more graphic image, preferably with a contrast or hint at a better outlook / future on life, if you see what I mean. The photo should tell the story, or make the theme clear beyond reasonable doubt. Hope you see what I mean, and that this is of any help to you...)
Other than that, disregarding the competition, I think its an extremely strong shot, very well captured, and quite confronting.