Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 11/10/2004
First of all I'm surprised that you get somthing of that quality out of a digital SLR. To deal with noise and the delayed shutter time is very challenging ;-) In general to shoot concerts is a pain in the neck. Crazy light conditions (e.g. strobes, blue/red light), low light, smoke, jumping crowd, moving subjects, always the wrong lense, the wrong film (not in case of digital), the light metering, focussing in the total dark on subjects you hardly see, the risk of underexposing the film, and so on...(I could write essays about that). This in mind, I have to say, the result is very good. Expression, noise ok, good comp and interesting colors. It's slightly overexposed IMHO, but this is easy to fix. Nice job! C.
Timothy Kemp
{K:208} 10/26/2004
Came out great. Powerful composition and expression on the singer.
Love the reddish beam. Very evocative shot.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 10/23/2004
Man this guy mis projecting! Full on shot verena.
{K:30945} 10/12/2004
Very interesting and good from you dear Verena. I like it! Kisses, Biliana
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/11/2004
Hi Verena,
grad wollte ich schreiben: and now for something completely different =) sehr schön, dass du dich auch in anderen gefilden betätigst =)
Ich finde die konzertaufnahme insgesamt sehr gelungen. der "dezentralisierte" sänger, die starken farben mit dem lichtstrahl von oben, der starke gesichtsausdruck... all das funktioniert sehr gut zusammen. Das Grain passt schon in meinen Augen, lediglich die zwei Hot Spots auf der Stirn sind etwas störend. Ich würde vielleicht doch links minimal etwas abschneiden...
anyway, klasse konzertaufnahme. wilder du ruhig gerne weiter in anderen revieren ;-)
LG, Thilo
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 10/11/2004
außergewöhnlich höchstens im motiv, gewohnt gut hingegen in der ausführung....feine farben, und die stimmung solch einer szene on stage sehr gut eingefangen...
vg, uwe
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 10/11/2004
I like this shot just like it is. The red light looks like divine inspiration, but I am thankful that it is not centered directly over his (bald) head as that would be a little over the top (IMHO). The pink tones don't do much for me and I wonder if there is a monotone conversion that works?
Andreas Marx
{K:1443} 10/10/2004
Hi Verena, it is unusual for yyou - and so it is for me. So my comment might be stupid.... be warned :)
The scope of stage photography can be one of two things: Either it is something comercially usable or it is just the mood that needs to be transported. I guess the laatter is the case here.
And that is something you transport here for sure. He's got the blues, with every breath, every tone.
In this aspect I don't care about some noise (even more so as noise in this photo does not eat a lot of detail!), it is a very good photo.
Cheers, Andreas
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 10/10/2004
Very nice shot Verena,lovely bachground light and composition
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 10/10/2004
Verena, Great shot Beautiful colours and lighting Great impressie on the face Teunis
Aris Michalopoulos / OsirisiS
{K:1916} 10/10/2004
Red shower... Aris
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 10/10/2004
I like this shot... could be a shot that the band would use in their cd booklet! Love his expression.. love your composition.. and the light is perfect.. really magic!! =)))
Patrick J
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 10/10/2004
Hi Verena, Great shot, the simplicity of the scene, as well as the tones work very well. The expression on the singers' face in combination with the lower camera position works very well. Nicely composed with the beam of light. Surprisingly good quality with the high CCD sensitivity; some noise, but not at all distracting (more like fitting the atmosphere, I think)
I think you could've taken a few steps foreward, creating a closer composition. I had the chance of doing something similar last friday... Still need to upload the images, though. Doubt if I can match this....
delete my account delete my account
{K:305} 10/10/2004
I think it is a good shot. I tried to shoot at concerts about last month. The first evening was worse, the second a little bit better and the last evening was ok. But it is quiet difficult. You're not shooting people in Mme Tussauds...
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 10/10/2004
Hi Mary,
it is a digital SLR, so I can change it with every shot.
I still have my Canon AE1 for analog b&w, but the negative scanner doesn't work, so I still have only the digital onces to post in the moment.
Awaiting on the moment when I can post analogs again.
A hug Verena
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/10/2004
Great concert image! Good choice not to use flash! A flash destroys everything in concerts. Generally concert photography is difficult as the lighting sources change all the time. I wait until the lights appear before I shoot! Dis you change the ISO in teh same film?To change the ISO in one film is not the best thing to do as in the development a mess can happen. I love the tones in this image, and the way you used light catching an expressive expression!! Nice to see something different from you! Awaiting to see more!! a kiss
Telmo Domingues
{K:9639} 10/10/2004
Hello dear Verena!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice to "see" you again! It is interesting how you did this, considering that the ISO was 1600 and there is no visible grain! I made some of these myself and it is not so easy as it seems... I like the composition - there is a label of your's in this croping... It gives the ideia of a huge stage and concert... I honestly like it!!!!!! Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigg kiss! ;-) Telmo