{K:26787} 10/12/2004
How nice to see you back Yutaka!!! Love this enormous "eye"! Fantastic colours - as always in your work!
Bárbara Masu
{K:1256} 10/11/2004
Hisashiburi desu ne!? D
Into my favorites! There's nothing else to say!!!
WOW!!! Congrats!!!
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 10/10/2004
Thanks good comment Levendu! Auf dem richitigen Weg!!I upped this pic stimulated by Fabio's photo "satori". Satori is a japanisch---,rough meaning is--"Throw away ICH and unite(assimilate) into the universe,nature,gods usw. I posted this X to Y thinking about a process of Fabio's SATORI.Very thanks for your good understanding, yes,Y means just you commented.regards Y.
lavendu ...
{K:4882} 10/10/2004
there's nothing to see through the hole in the red marked target (or goal), but I can see a lot of living structures and possibilities on the surface of this impressive abstract.
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 10/9/2004
Hello Yutaka.it's been a long time. very beautiful picture.the colors are amazing.they match very well.very beautiful abstract.my best regards
Antonella Nistri
{K:21867} 10/9/2004
Just MAGNIFICENT picture, my dear friend, I hope you're feeling well right now, many kisses, Antonella 7
Lou Dina
{K:12194} 10/9/2004
Beautiful and interesting ~ nice colors. Lou
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 10/9/2004
Very creative and well displayed.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 10/9/2004
very beautiful expression abstracts!