Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 10/6/2004
Not a problem,Marcio..you can always play with my images...your version is definently more "YOU" with the vibrant Brazilian look ;>...gayle
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 10/6/2004
This is very nice ..I like these colors..I did a different way too see , with more contrast , if you don?t mind ..

Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 10/5/2004
Beautiful soft dreamlike scene, Shameless, gently taking us back to a distant past. There is just the right touch of blur as to not bother the eyes. Good job!
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 10/5/2004
I love the soft blur and the soft colors. This is wonderful, Gayle. You knew I'd love this one! Poe.
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 10/5/2004
I think you're doing just the right thing here. There is still recognizable subject matter, but you've made it just abstract enough so peoples' personal, subconscious monkeys and demons can climb on board. That makes it freeing and healing for both the creator and the viewer.